Tuesday, July 3, 2018

One lever, two mistakes

I have one of those lawn tractors where the gas tank is under the seat. Flip the seat up and there's a lever that lets you switch from "primary" to "reserve". Two mistakes I've made:

1. Ran out of gas while mowing. Flipped the seat up and switched the lever to "reserve". Started the tractor again, drove to my gas can, filled up the tank, and forgot to switch the lever back to "primary". So the next time I ran out of gas, I was totally out. I had to walk back to get the can!

2. Same, except after I switched to "reserve" and headed for the gas can, I got distracted and totally forgot to put gas in the tractor. So the next time I used the tractor, I ran out of gas again, but it was way too soon: I just filled the thing, I thought. But I didn't.

So this is the mind you're dealing with, when you read my blog.

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