Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Well we got a new thing.
Pressure washer.
The wife told me this morning it was coming, but she didn't say what was coming.


I see it has a hole in the box
looks like a forklift fork jammed thru it

Dragged it into the garage.
A label on one side of the box says THIS END UP with an arrow that points at the top.
The box is right-side up.

Why don't they put the "this end up" message ON the end they want to be up? Instead of pointing at it. The message as they give it is so ambiguous I'm just guessing what they mean.

I cut thru the tape on the top end. Opened it.
There's no way I'll be able to grab that thing and lift it up out of the box.
I looked things over.
I decided to look for damage where the forklift stabbed the box.
I cut down the two corners of that face and un-folded it out onto the floor.
I don't see damage... That's good...

Inside the box the first thing you come to at the stab wound is the "Quick Setup Guide".
One, two pages thick.
No stab wound in the setup guide.
That's good. Everything else should be okay.

Took down all four sides the same way, cutting down the corners and laying the sides of the box down on the floor.

Looked at what I had.
Mostly thin gray plastic bags full of foam, all around the thing.
Packing material.
I can picure the machine poking into the box and going FFFFFFT and pulling out,
leaving bags full of foam in all the right places.

It still depends on the forklift driver stopping before he breaks something.

It took me half an hour to get the foam-filled bags un-wedged and removed from the sprayer.

Next, I looked at the booklet in the baggie. It says

Fuck me.
At least they put English first.

First: Six pages of Safety Instructions
Then: the Quick Setup Guide. I saw that already. The forklift didn't stab it.

A few pages later: Assembly Instructions
1. Locate and remove all loose parts from the carton.
2. Cut four corners of the carton from top to bottom and lay the panels flat.
3. Place handle (G) onto frame (H) ...

Oh, well, good! At least I opened the box right.

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