Saturday, October 26, 2019

That, and fixing the economy, that's my life.

Mowing the lawn this past spring, I stopped short when I saw a little patch of grass, the kind you might say Wow, I wish my whole lawn looked like that! It was dense, it was short, it was a pretty shade of green, and the blades were narrow but not too narrow, just like I like. It was a couple weeks since I mowed that spot, and that little patch of grass was still short and even. I shut the mower down right there so I didn't lose the spot, went up to the house and got a shovel, scooped up a bit of that precious green patch, and planted it in my garden where I could keep an eye on it.

It used to be a farm, where I live, a cow farm. I don't know if they ever planted lawn grass after they built the house, or if people just mowed what was there and it started looking like lawn. But I know that beyond the rock wall, where I found my precious little green patch, it wasn't mowed when I moved in. Looked like it hadn't been mowed, ever.

I'm there now 10 years or more, and mowing beyond the wall since the start. It looks like a lawn now, mostly. But it's patchy, a little of this, a little of that. That's why I look it over when I'm mowing, looking for things I like and don't like about the different patches of lawn. And when I saw that patch of short grass, I knew that was what I wanted.

Most people would buy some grass seed and "overseed" their existing lawn, or just hire somebody to make it nice. Me, no. I'm gonna dig up a little bit of it and grow my own lawn from scratch.


The bit of lawn that I dug up was about a four-inch circle. (About four inches, but not really a circle.) I measured it this morning, in the garden: It's a foot square. (More than a foot, but not really square.) Across the long points, 20 inches by 24, where it's reaching out with runners to take over more territory. So it's fast-growing.

No, that's not right. It is fast spreading. I could take my 12-by-12 clump, tic-tac-toe it into nine little four-by-four squares, plant the squares a foot apart, and a year from now have nine, maybe 10 square feet. After another year, 90 or 100 square feet. After four more years I could cover a couple acres. Two or three years after that, maybe the whole county.

Hey, I'm retired. What else am I gonna do? (But not the whole county!)


I didn't tell you the best part. It's fast-spreading, but not fast-growing. When I got back to that original patch of grass with my shovel, I mowed it before digging up a sample. So it was 2½ inches tall when I transplanted it to the garden. That was back in May. Five months have gone by, and I didn't mow it again after transplanting it. Didn't mow it for five months. I measured it this morning: It's five inches tall. In five months it only grew 2½ inches.

It grew half an inch a month. Oh yeah, that's what I want. I'm doing it. I'm doing my whole yard.


The Arthurian said...

It grows like crazy in the house, under artificial light. Sends out runners a foot long. They root easily and then you have more. I put seven small containers of it outside in the last couple of days. Early spring this year. Getting ready to set them in the ground.

I'm hoping now that outside, in natural daylight, it goes back to growing slowly & spreading fast.

The Arthurian said...

I put the first two of these into the ground a week ago. Using those "watering cones" and two-liter bottles to keep the plants wet until they get established.

So far so good.

Lots more to plant!

The Arthurian said...

Planted six more little ones today. The first two are doing okay. Lots of rainy days lately, a good time to do the planting.